
Low Sperm Motility: Causes and Treatments

    Starting a family is a cherished dream for many couples, but for those with low sperm motility, it may seem like an uphill battle. This fertility issue has multiple causes, from the natural effects of aging to lifestyle choices, medical conditions, environmental exposures, and even genetic factors. The good news is that, with the proper steps, one can

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Best Diet Before Sperm Freezing

  The miracle of parenthood is a journey many eagerly anticipate, but sometimes life’s unpredictable turns can make it a more challenging process. For couples wishing to safeguard their fertility for future family planning, sperm freezing can be a valuable option. However, ensuring the best possible outcome of the freezing process requires more than just the procedure itself. A well-rounded

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9 diseases that affect fertility

  Infertility affects millions of couples worldwide. There are many causes of infertility, but sometimes the leading cause is unknown. However, some medical conditions can lead to fertility problems. These diseases can lead to problems with ovulation, sperm production, and transportation. In some cases, they can also cause structural problems with the reproductive organs. This article will discuss 9 diseases

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How to increase sperm count for pregnancy?

Low sperm count, also known as oligospermia, refers to a condition where the fluid (semen) ejaculated during orgasm contains fewer sperm than average, with fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen being considered lower than usual. A complete absence of sperm, known as azoospermia, can also result in the inability to conceive a child, making it the main

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Best Age for Freezing Sperm

  People are aware that the mother’s age at first birth is getting older, but less is said about the fact that the father’s age is also getting older and what this means for society as a whole. Over the past 40 years in the U.S., the number of babies born to fathers over the age of APA, which can

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Different Causes of Infertility in Females

  The inability to reproduce after one year of regularly trying to get pregnant with frequent, unprotected sex for women under 35 is called infertility in females. If you’re over 35 and you are attempting to get pregnant for more than 6 months and nothing happens, it means that you may have an infertility issue. But what are the causes

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Sperm and Egg Formation Process

  The egg cell or Ovum (plural form: Ova) is the female productive cell, which differs in many aspects from the male productive cell, the Spermatozoon. These cells carry the burden of reproduction in anisogamous organisms (organisms that reproduce sexually) and are called gametes or sex cells. Gametes are haploid cells, which means that they only have one chromosome each,

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Sperm Donation Risks

  Introduction In recent years, sperm donation has become a widely accepted practice, offering hope to many desiring parenthood. However, like all medical and biological interventions, it brings forth certain risks and considerations. Understanding sperm donation risks is essential for potential donors, recipients, and medical professionals involved. This article casts light on these risks, emphasizing recent data and expert insights.

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IVF Pregnancy vs. Natural Pregnancy

IVF Pregnancy vs. Natural Pregnancy

The advancement of medical technology in the past three decades has led to In Vitro Fertilization, widely known as IVF, which has become a viable path for those who have a difficulty with natural conception due to various medical conditions or complications. However, an IVF pregnancy involves complex challenges that must be addressed for a successful outcome. This article delves

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How to Manage Pregnancy Mood Swings?

      For many women, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common cause of the pregnancy mood swings they experience before their periods. For some people, it’s possible to feel pleased and sad simultaneously; for others, it’s possible to have strong feelings about things that normally don’t bother you. While you may be annoyed by your erratic pregnancy mood swings,

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Best Diet Before Sperm Freezing

  The miracle of parenthood is a journey many eagerly anticipate, but sometimes life’s unpredictable turns can make it a more challenging process. For couples wishing to safeguard their fertility

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9 diseases that affect fertility

  Infertility affects millions of couples worldwide. There are many causes of infertility, but sometimes the leading cause is unknown. However, some medical conditions can lead to fertility problems. These

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Sperm Donation Risks

  Introduction In recent years, sperm donation has become a widely accepted practice, offering hope to many desiring parenthood. However, like all medical and biological interventions, it brings forth certain

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