Low sperm count, also known as oligospermia, refers to a condition where the fluid (semen) ejaculated during orgasm contains fewer sperm than average, with fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen being considered lower than usual. A complete absence of sperm, known as azoospermia, can also result in the inability to conceive a child, making it the main sign of low sperm count. In some men, an underlying problem such as an inherited chromosomal abnormality, a hormonal imbalance, dilated testicular veins, or a condition that blocks the passage of sperm may cause signs and symptoms. Some health issues, medical treatments, or lifestyle factors can cause low sperm count. Some of these include:
Health, lifestyle
Lifestyle habits affect male sperm quality, frequently the same ones that doctors advise patients to avoid due to long-term health hazards.
- Drug use: Anabolic steroids taken to stimulate muscle strength and growth can cause the testicles to shrink and sperm production to decrease. The use of cocaine or marijuana might reduce the number and quality of your sperm as well.
- Alcohol use: Drinking alcohol can lower testosterone levels and cause decreased sperm production. Any amount of drinking comes with risks.
- Occupation: Certain occupations might be linked with a risk of infertility, including welding, or those associated with prolonged sitting, such as truck driving. However, the data to support these associations needs to be more consistent.
- Tobacco smoking: Men who smoke might have a lower sperm count than those who don’t smoke. Studies show that smoking can lead to DNA damage in sperm. Some evidence shows that men with elevated sperm with DNA damage may have reduced fertility and higher miscarriage rates.
- Emotional stress: Severe or prolonged emotional stress, including stress about fertility, might interfere with hormones needed to produce sperm. Stress may cause the release of steroid hormones such as glucocorticoids, which can decrease testosterone levels and sperm production.
Environmental causes
Adverse environmental factors significantly impact semen quality, leading to decreased sperm concentration, total sperm count, motility and viability, abnormal sperm morphology, and sperm DNA fragmentation, ultimately causing male infertility.
- Industrial chemicals: Prolonged exposure to chemicals such as benzenes, toluene, xylene, herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, painting materials, and lead may reduce sperm counts.
- Heavy metal exposure: While certain metals (e.g., Cu, Se, and Zn) exhibit protective effects on the male reproductive system at low doses, accumulating heavy metals to toxic levels can lead to compromised semen quality and reduced sperm function.
- Radiation or X-rays: Radiation exposure can reduce sperm production. As they can break chemical bonds and induce DNA damage. It can take several years for sperm production to return to normal. With high doses of radiation, sperm production can be permanently reduced.
- Overheating the testicles: Increased temperatures harm sperm production and function. While studies on this topic are limited and inconclusive, regular use of saunas or hot tubs may temporarily impair sperm count.
Medical causes
Some health issues and medical treatments can cause low sperm count. Some of these include:
- Infection: Certain infections can disrupt sperm production, impair sperm health, or cause scarring that obstructs the passage of sperm. Such infections include inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis) or testicles (orchitis) and certain sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea or HIV. While some infections may lead to lasting testicular damage, in many cases, sperm can still be retrieved despite the adverse effects.
- Antibodies that attack sperm: Anti-sperm antibodies are immune system cells that erroneously recognize sperm as harmful invaders and try to attack and destroy them.
- Tumors: Tumors, whether malignant or nonmalignant, can directly impact the male reproductive organs, including the glands responsible for releasing hormones related to reproduction, such as the pituitary gland. Additionally, tumors may affect male fertility through unknown mechanisms. Treatments for tumors, such as surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, can also affect male fertility.
- Hormone imbalances: Hormone imbalances stemming from the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testicles play a critical role in the production of sperm. Any disruptions in these hormones, as well as imbalances from other systems, like the thyroid and adrenal gland, can potentially hinder the process of sperm production.
- Chromosome defects: Chromosome defects can lead to reproductive challenges. Inherited disorders like Klinefelter’s syndrome, characterized by two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome instead of the usual one X and one Y, can result in abnormal development of male reproductive organs. Furthermore, genetic syndromes such as cystic fibrosis, Kallmann’s syndrome, and Kartagener’s syndrome are also linked to infertility.
- Celiac: Celiac is a digestive disorder triggered by gluten sensitivity and can affect male fertility. Undiagnosed celiac disease in men is associated with significantly higher rates of abnormal sperm and disrupted hormonal levels.
- Certain medications: Several medications can adversely affect male fertility. These include testosterone replacement therapy, prolonged use of anabolic steroids, cancer medications like chemotherapy, specific antifungal and antibiotic drugs, certain ulcer medications, and other medications that can potentially impair sperm production and decrease male fertility.
For more information, read:
Risk factors
Several risk factors are associated with low sperm count and other issues that can lead to reduced sperm count. These risk factors include:
- Using certain illicit drugs
- Being overweight
- Being severely depressed or stressed
- Having specific past or present infections
- Being exposed to toxins
- Overheating the testicles
- Having experienced trauma to the testicles
- Being born with a fertility disorder or having a blood relative, such as your brother or father, with a fertility disorder
- Having certain medical conditions, including tumors and chronic illnesses
- Undergoing cancer treatments, such as radiation
- Taking certain medications
- Having a prior vasectomy or major abdominal or pelvic surgery
- Having a history of undescended testicles
For more information, read:
Sperm Donation Risks
Increase sperm count
Regardless Suppose you have recently decided to try conceiving or have been attempting to do so for an extended period. In that case, you might be interested in learning how to improve sperm strength for pregnancy and increase sperm count to enhance the chances of successful conception. Lifestyle changes can help resolve many issues linked to male infertility. If you are under 35 years old and have been attempting to conceive for a year or more, or if you are over 35 and have been trying for six months without success, it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist. Consulting with a healthcare professional will allow you to address any infertility concerns and develop a personalized plan to enhance your chances of achieving pregnancy and starting a family. In this article, we’ll talk about how to increase sperm count and how to make sperm stronger for pregnancy is another topic that we consider.
Boost sperm count and increase fertility in men.
The encouraging news for men is that a low sperm count does not necessarily mean infertility. According to the latest WHO standards, the typical sperm count ranges around 15 million per milliliter, with a minimum of 39 million per sample, and counts below 10 million per milliliter are considered abnormal and often associated with male infertility. Anything that affects sperm production, controls hormones or acts as an antioxidant can help sperm grow and improve their number. Here are some natural tips to boost sperm count:
Adequate exercise and sleep
While our understanding of the connection between a healthy body mass index (BMI) and typical sperm count is still limited, several studies have indicated that weight loss and regular exercise among obese and overweight individuals can increase sperm count. Sufficient sleep is another crucial factor that positively impacts how to increase sperm count.
Reducing stress
Any form of stress can interfere with the production of sperm, and it can cause the body to take defensive measures and store energy. In times of hardship and distress, it seems biologically reasonable for the body to be less involved in reproduction and more focused on survival. Although factors such as exercise and a healthy diet are thought to reduce the effects of stress, reducing stress requires finding the cause. A doctor may prescribe antianxiety and anti-depressant drugs for men experiencing severe pressure. Then reducing stress is another factor affecting sperm count increase.
Stop taking some medicines.
Certain prescription drugs have the potential to affect sperm production health adversely. However, it’s worth noting that once individuals discontinue these medications, their sperm count usually returns to normal or even increases. Medicaments that temporarily reduce sperm production and growth include:
- Some antibiotics
- Anti-androgens
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antipsychotic drugs
- Corticosteroids
- Anabolic steroids (take up to a year to regenerate)
- Testosterone Exogenesis (External)
- Methadone
Eat antioxidant foods
Antioxidants, essential molecules responsible for neutralizing free radicals and harmful compounds that can damage cells, include specific vitamins and minerals known to serve as antioxidants. Numerous studies demonstrate a positive association between antioxidant consumption and elevated sperm count, highlighting the importance of considering antioxidants when exploring ways to increase sperm count. Antioxidants that may be associated with a healthy number of sperm include:
- Selenium
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
- Vitamin E
- Glutathione
- Co Q enzyme Q10
- L-Carnitine
Increase your intake of healthy fats.
Essential unsaturated fats, commonly known as healthy fats, like omega-3 and omega-6, play a crucial role in promoting the healthy growth of sperm membranes. Research suggests that incorporating these vital omega-3 compounds into one’s diet can increase sperm count and provide antioxidant benefits.
Get Enough vitamin C
Vitamin C is renowned for its immune-boosting properties, and there is evidence indicating that antioxidant supplements, like vitamin C, might positively affect sperm count and fertility. Oxidative stress arises when the body’s reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels become harmful, often due to disease, aging, unhealthy lifestyle, or environmental pollutants. While our body naturally produces ROS, healthy individuals maintain controlled levels; however, excessive ROS can lead to tissue damage and raise the risk of chronic diseases. Moreover, oxidative stress and excessive ROS have been associated with male infertility. Adequate intake of antioxidants, like vitamin C, can help counteract these harmful effects. Some studies indicate that vitamin C supplements can improve semen quality. For instance, in an infertile men’s study, taking 1000 mg of vitamin C supplements twice daily for up to 2 months resulted in a 92% increase in sperm motility, over 100% increase in sperm count, and a reduction of up to 55% in malformed sperm cells. The findings highlight that vitamin C supplementation can positively impact fertility in infertile men with oxidative stress. In conclusion, vitamin C plays a helpful role in increasing sperm count for those struggling with infertility issues.
Get Enough zinc
Zinc, a crucial mineral plentifully present in animal-based foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and shellfish, plays a fundamental role in male fertility. Observational studies have established a connection between low zinc levels or deficiency and reduced testosterone levels, poor sperm quality, and an increased risk of male infertility. On the other hand, supplementing with zinc has been shown to increase testosterone levels and sperm count in individuals with zinc insufficiency. Additionally, zinc supplements may help mitigate the decline in testosterone levels associated with excessive high-intensity exercise.
Foods that Can Boost Sperm Count
Fortunately, men can continually generate new sperm, and numerous factors contributing to poor sperm health can be positively influenced by incorporating foods that boost sperm count and motility while avoiding foods and behaviors that harm sperm health.
For more information, read:
Nutrients That Are Essential for Male Fertility
Nutrients are essential substances that support our well-being and growth throughout life. The specific composition of various nutrients plays a significant role in enhancing both the quality and quantity of sperm. Here is a list of some nutrients:
- Folate
- Vitamin B12
- B-Complex
- Omega-3 Fatty Acid
- D-Aspartic Acid
Foods to Increase Sperm Count Naturally
Having discussed several essential nutrients that can enhance male fertility, let’s
now explore a broader perspective on naturally increasing sperm count through
dietary choices. Here are some foods that can increase sperm count naturally:
- Oysters
- Beef
- Salmon
- Tomatoes
- Garlic
- Pomegranate juice
For more information, read:
Foods to Avoid Male Fertility
Achieving increased fertility through a healthy lifestyle and diet requires avoiding
certain foods and bad habits. Reducing or eliminating the consumption of the
following foods and beverages may stimulate sperm count.
- High Caffeine
- Soy
- High-Fat Dairy
- Processed Meat
- Excess Alcohol
- Junk food
Sperm Boost: Iranian Fertility Centers!
Most research supports using lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and dietary adjustments to help a male manage and improve a low sperm count. But the standard advice given to couples trying to conceive is to see a doctor after one year of unprotected sex that does not result in pregnancy. If the female partner is over 35, see a doctor after six months of unprotected sex that does not result in a pregnancy. Iran presents itself as an attractive destination for individuals seeking solutions to increase sperm count, with skilled doctors providing medical services at significantly lower costs than many other nations. As a thriving health tourism hub, medical expenses in Iran are only about 35% of Western European countries and just 50% of those in Turkey. Moreover, Iran offers various attractions for medical tourists, such as hydrotherapy, boasting over 1000 identified mineral water springs. Additionally, the affordability of medical services compared to neighboring countries is a significant advantage. So, if you are concerned about increasing sperm count and haven’t found a solution yet, seeking assistance from Iranian doctors can be highly beneficial.
For more information, read:
Top 6 Infertility Hospitals in Iran
In conclusion, this comprehensive guide offers valuable insights and practical tips on increasing sperm count for improved fertility and successful conception. Understanding the causes of low sperm count, including lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and medical conditions, is crucial for promoting reproductive health. By making positive lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, stress reduction, and adopting a diet rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, individuals can potentially boost sperm count and motility. Moreover, avoiding harmful habits and certain foods can improve sperm health. For fertility challenges, seeking advice from a specialist is recommended after a reasonable duration of attempting to conceive without success. Furthermore, the article highlights the advantages of exploring medical solutions through Iranian fertility centers, known for their expertise and cost-effectiveness. By incorporating these valuable insights, individuals can empower themselves to increase their chances of starting a family and achieving the joy of parenthood.