
Who Needs IVF?

  Introduction In vitro fertilization (IVF) has revolutionized the world of reproductive medicine, providing a beacon of hope for couples and individuals struggling with infertility. This advanced technique has birthed dreams and turned many into parents, but the question arises – who really needs IVF? With a multitude of factors influencing fertility, understanding the best candidates for IVF is crucial.

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What are the 5 stages of IVF?

  IVF is among the most popular forms of assisted reproductive technology. IVF is a secure treatment that uses medication and a brief surgical procedure to help the egg and sperm combine and place themselves in the uterus. IVF in Iran is often a possibility to address the root reasons for infertility, such as: Endometriosis Infertility in men, including previous

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All you should know about Birth Control Methods & Options

  Birth control is a device or method that people use in order to prevent pregnancy. Choosing a certain method might be difficult. By learning about the different options before making a decision, you make sure that you are picking the best birth control method. In this article, we aim to introduce these options to you. Please, join us in

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Miscarriages – How IVF Can Help

Miscarriages – How IVF Can Help

  Enduring a miscarriage can be a heart-wrenching experience for any couple aspiring to become parents. Miscarriages, unfortunately, are a relatively common occurrence, often leaving emotional scars and countless questions in their wake. For many, the path to post-miscarriage parenthood becomes increasingly challenging. Yet, amidst these challenges, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is offered as a viable solution and a source

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Traveling in pregnancy

  Everything you should know about traveling in pregnancy Through the nine months of your or your Iranian surrogate’s pregnancy, you might get into situations where you or your Iranian surrogate need to travel, or you might just want to go on holidays. A small trip with your family to escape the day-to-day life, perhaps! In general, traveling while pregnant

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Babies’ Emotions And What They Experience In The Womb

Childhood is a critical period that has an extensive influence on every person’s whole life; Thus, it is good to know whether life begins right after birth or whether babies’ experiences, even when they are in the womb, are influential and considerable? Scientists constantly work on various methods to find an answer fitting this question. So, we do not know

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10 dos and don’ts during pregnancy

  Getting pregnant and staying healthy during this period are two different topics you should not look over. Health specialists recommend some dos and don’ts that are crucial in helping you stay healthy during this important phase. In this article, we will look over some of them.   Top 10 dos during pregnancy Here is what we recommend you do

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The Path to Parenthood: Navigating the IVF Journey with Confidence

  Once upon a time, the path to parenthood was thought to be straightforward. However, for many couples, the road to having a child can be filled with unexpected challenges. Infertility is a common obstacle affecting millions of couples worldwide, but thanks to advancements in medical science, there is a ray of hope—In vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF, or in vitro

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Causes of Male infertility

  Nowadays, about 1 in 7 couples may not be able to conceive and approximately one-third of the time, men are the cause of infertility. Many factors can result in infertility. The only way to find the main reason behind male infertility is to see a doctor and take some tests. However, these tests can be very costly and, usually,

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Best surrogacy clinic in Iran

  “Surrogacy is an exceptional journey towards parenthood, serving as a beacon of hope for numerous infertile couples globally. This procedure, intrinsically designed around compassion and medical expertise, involves a gestational carrier. The carrier undertakes the profound task of carrying and delivering a child for a person or couple unable to conceive through traditional means. In the evolving world of

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Who Needs IVF?

  Introduction In vitro fertilization (IVF) has revolutionized the world of reproductive medicine, providing a beacon of hope for couples and individuals struggling with infertility. This advanced technique has birthed

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Miscarriages – How IVF Can Help

Miscarriages – How IVF Can Help

  Enduring a miscarriage can be a heart-wrenching experience for any couple aspiring to become parents. Miscarriages, unfortunately, are a relatively common occurrence, often leaving emotional scars and countless questions

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Traveling in pregnancy

  Everything you should know about traveling in pregnancy Through the nine months of your or your Iranian surrogate’s pregnancy, you might get into situations where you or your Iranian

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Best surrogacy clinic in Iran

  “Surrogacy is an exceptional journey towards parenthood, serving as a beacon of hope for numerous infertile couples globally. This procedure, intrinsically designed around compassion and medical expertise, involves a

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